The Field Centre Project in Nailsworth
This totally unique Goethean research centre has now achieved university status, serving as an innovative space for practical and academic teaching, learning and research.
We overcame a number of challenges presented by the build, including Leichtlehm works (light-straw-clay), multi-sourced rammed earth, copper fish scale tiles (resolved by an Oxford Mathematics professor), rainwater harvesting with no pumps and composting toilets without the presence of a composting toilet.
A variety of local materials were used including limestone rock, lime mortar, pigment, soil, turf, wood, plants and animal materials.
The building is the concept of Aonghus Gordon OBE, Hon DUniv, MEd, entrepreneur and CEO of the Ruskin Mill trust, which runs Steiner-based colleges across the UK, helping students with autistic spectrum disorder.

There are no limits to what you can do with your land and property.
Contact the J R Building team now by filling in the enquiry form provided.